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HS Rare Books


General Context

Vendor. Specializing in the Hispanic world, literature, early exploration and travel, Jesuit relations & vocabularies, South American iconography, early printing and religion.

Found in 9 Collections and/or Records:

Historia de la missiones appostolicas de la Compañia de Iesus en las Indias Occidentales de la Nueua Vizcaya. I vida y martyrio del P. Gonzalo de Tapia fundador de las dichas missiones, y apostol de los Cynaloas : por el padre Iuan de Albiçuri religioso missionero de la misma Compañia de Iesus

 Collection — Volume 1
Identifier: BC-2023-091
Scope and Contents Bound manuscript of 198 leaves (the final 51 leaves mostly blank), comprising an account of the life of Gonzalo de Tapia and the Jesuit mission in Sinaloa, Mexico. In Spanish, primarily written in a humanist miniscule bookhand, by an unidentified scribe, with later marginal annotations in a different hand. With a hand-drawn portrait of Gonzalo de Tapia, with hand color. The primary text was evidently written before the 1634 death of Hernando de Villafañe, who is mentioned as being alive,...
Restrictions on Access

Open for research.

Dates: between 1633-1634

Jesuade juventutis Belgiis per illustri Societatis Jesu dilecto filio: manuscript

 Collection — Volume 1
Identifier: MS-2020-024
Scope and Contents Bound manuscript of 107 leaves, written in cursive Latin script, in several hands. First 2 leaves blank, followed by a title page, and main text of 74 leaves with handwritten foliation (leaves 16, 35, and 64 blank). Leaves 62-63 repeated. Leaves 75-100 blank except for foliation; 2 blank leaves at end. Includes epigrams, emblems, laudatory poetry, letters, and essays on tobacco and chocolate.00 |g Contents (supplied by cataloger; Latin titles transcribed from caption titles): |g...
Restrictions on access

Open for research.

Dates: 1734 - 1741

Libro devoto que contiene algunos abisos muy ynportantes spirituales: manuscript

 Collection — Volume MS.2019.033
Identifier: MS-2019-033
Scope and Contents Bound manuscript of 145 leaves, comprising a compendium of 16th-century Spanish devotional texts attributed to Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Francisco of Borja, Saint John of Avila, Louis de Blois, and Luis de Granada. Five unnumbered leaves (blank except for inscription on second leaf "Escúsatte de cargos, que es de cristianos timoratos a dios") precede the main text of 128 leaves with handwritten foliation on upper right rectos, followed by 1 blank leaf, an index of 5 leaves, and 6...
Restrictions on access

Open for research.

Dates: probably between 1550 and 1580

Oath of Jean-Gaspard Chanseaume renouncing the Chinese rites: manuscript

 Collection — Shared_box 7472: Series I; Series II; Series VI
Identifier: BC-2024-070
Scope and Contents

One-page manuscript oath in which Jean-Gaspard Chanseaume renounces the practice of the Chinese rites. Co-signed by Jean-Sylvain de Neuvialle.

Restrictions on Access

Open for research.

Dates: 1751 August 26

Oath of Jean Sylvain de Neuvialle renouncing the Chinese rites: manuscript

 Collection — Shared_box 7472: Series I; Series II; Series VI
Identifier: BC-2024-069
Scope and Contents

One-page manuscript oath in which Jean Sylvain de Neuvialle renounces the practice of the Chinese rites.

Restrictions on Access

Open for research.

Dates: 1744 January 1

Oath of José d'Espinha renouncing the Chinese rites: manuscript

 Collection — Shared_box 7472: Series I; Series II; Series VI
Identifier: BC-2024-068
Scope and Contents

One-page manuscript oath in which José d'Espinha renounces the practice of the Chinese rites. Co-signed by Polycarpo da Sousa, Bishop of Beijing.

Restrictions on Access

Open for research.

Dates: 1751 October 26

Oath of Pierre K'ieou renouncing the Chinese rites: manuscript

 Collection — Shared_box 7472: Series I; Series II; Series VI
Identifier: BC-2024-071
Scope and Contents

One-page manuscript oath in which Pierre K'ieou renounces the practice of the Chinese rites. With his signature in Chinese.

Restrictions on Access

Open for research.

Dates: 1744 May 29

Oath of Thomas Jean-Baptiste Lieou renouncing the Chinese rites: manuscript

 Collection — Shared_box 7472: Series I; Series II; Series VI
Identifier: BC-2024-072
Scope and Contents

One-page manuscript oath in which Thomas Jean-Baptiste Lieou renounces the practice of the Chinese rites. Co-signed by Bartolomeu Manuel Mendes dos Reis, Bishop of Macau.

Restrictions on Access

Open for research.

Dates: 1754 December 9

Suscipe D[omi]ne universam meam voluntatem, accpie memoriam, intellectum, et voluntatatem : manuscript

 Collection — Volume 1
Identifier: MS-2020-027
Scope and Contents

Bound manuscript of 120 pages (last 5 pages blank), consisting of a devotional text written in the first person. Text begins on page 3 "Firma Animi decreta. Quemadmodum testudines et cochleae suas domunculas..." and concludes on page 113 "In itineribus memor sis frugalitatis, et modestiae ac pietatis."

Restrictions on access

Open for research.

Dates: 1700s?