Elizabeth Hayward collection of Ursuline Academy materials
Identifier: MS-2011-027
Babson, Ann, with clippings enclosed
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51499
"Burned by a Mob: Scenes at Charlestown Fifty-two Years Ago," Sunday Globe
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51523
DeCosta, Benjamin Franklin. In Memoriam - Sister Sainte Claire of the Order of St. Ursula, pamphlet, genealogy, and clipping
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51521
"Out and About," Gazette Sunday Morning Edition, photocopies
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51522
Robinson, Hannah to Maria D. Fay
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51513
Storer sisters note
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51515
Third meeting of the Ursuline graduates note and invitation draft
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51516
Ursuline Academy graduates lists
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51517
"Ursuline Community, Mount Benedict - Charlestown," prospectus
Digital Record
Identifier: MS2011_027_51520