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Johannes Lydius text on Matthew 5:16: manuscript.

Identifier: MS-1986-080

Johannes Lydius text on Matthew 5:16: manuscript.

Identifier: MS-1986-080

Draft or notes for an unidentified text, possibly a sermon. Caption title reads "Matts. 5:16," which is followed by three lines in Greek and the corresponding Dutch translation of Matthew 5:16: Laat u ligt alzoo schijnen voor de menshen, dat zij uw goede werken mogen zien, ende uwen Vader, die in de hemelen is, verheerlijken. With numerous marginal notes and emendations. Signed on page 16: Dom. Lydius.

Restrictions on Access

Open for research.

Creation: between 1700-1710
.5 Linear Feet (1 container) : 16 pages ; 22 x 17 cm
Related Names
Lydius, Johannes, -1709
Language of Materials
Dutch; Flemish