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Jesuade juventutis Belgiis per illustri Societatis Jesu dilecto filio: manuscript

 Collection — Volume: 1
Identifier: MS-2020-024
Scope and Contents Bound manuscript of 107 leaves, written in cursive Latin script, in several hands. First 2 leaves blank, followed by a title page, and main text of 74 leaves with handwritten foliation (leaves 16, 35, and 64 blank). Leaves 62-63 repeated. Leaves 75-100 blank except for foliation; 2 blank leaves at end. Includes epigrams, emblems, laudatory poetry, letters, and essays on tobacco and chocolate.00 |g Contents (supplied by cataloger; Latin titles transcribed from caption titles): |g...
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Open for research.

Dates: 1734 - 1741