Shared box 2515
Contains 52 Results:
Bester, Alfie, 1969, 1973-1977
In addition to correspondence, includes Bester's note from his interview with Rex Stout for an article he published in Holiday in 1969, which Bester sent to McAleer in 1974 to assist with research.
Collection is open for research.
N.S.M.C.C. Newsletter, 1962 March 16
Collection of materials related to the Northern Student Movement, a twentieth-century American civil rights group. Includes materials related to organizational mission and values, an issue of Harlem Voice, working papers from campus conferences, and publications produced by NSM during the 1960s.
Collection is open for research.
Freedom North, vol. 1, no. 7/8, approximately 1964-1966
Collection of materials related to the Northern Student Movement, a twentieth-century American civil rights group. Includes materials related to organizational mission and values, an issue of Harlem Voice, working papers from campus conferences, and publications produced by NSM during the 1960s.
Collection is open for research.
"The City", 1963 Fall
Collection of materials related to the Northern Student Movement, a twentieth-century American civil rights group. Includes materials related to organizational mission and values, an issue of Harlem Voice, working papers from campus conferences, and publications produced by NSM during the 1960s.
Collection is open for research.
"The Civil Rights Movement: Where Are We Now?", 1963 Fall
Collection of materials related to the Northern Student Movement, a twentieth-century American civil rights group. Includes materials related to organizational mission and values, an issue of Harlem Voice, working papers from campus conferences, and publications produced by NSM during the 1960s.
Collection is open for research.
"Education", 1963 Fall
Collection of materials related to the Northern Student Movement, a twentieth-century American civil rights group. Includes materials related to organizational mission and values, an issue of Harlem Voice, working papers from campus conferences, and publications produced by NSM during the 1960s.
Collection is open for research.
"Confronting the Ghetto: The Northern Student Movement Approach", between 1961-1969
Collection of materials related to the Northern Student Movement, a twentieth-century American civil rights group. Includes materials related to organizational mission and values, an issue of Harlem Voice, working papers from campus conferences, and publications produced by NSM during the 1960s.
Collection is open for research.
March on Boston April 24, Student Coalition Against Racism (SCAR) flyer, 1975
Collection is open for research.
National Student Conference Against Racism February 14-16, Student Committee Against Racism flyer, 1975
Collection is open for research.
National Freedom March on Boston May 17, National Student Coalition Against Racism flyer, 1975
Collection is open for research.
Boston March Against Racism, Emergency Committee for a National Mobilization Against Racism ephemera, 1974
Collection is open for research.
"The Boston Busing Crisis: Defend the democratic rights of Afro-American and other Minority People!" public debate flyer, approximately 1974
Collection is open for research.
Address on John Boyle O'Reilly: typescript, 1896
Typescript draft of a laudatory address on John Boyle O'Reilly, with manuscript corrections.
Open for research.
Aerial view of land purchased for Boston College High School on Columbia Point, approximately 1948
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Annual Dinner Dance program, 1971 June 18
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Annual Fund brochure, 1976
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Athletics teams photographs, approximately 1940s-approximately 1970s
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Bapst Debating Society, 1913
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Boston College High School Centennial Mass and Luncheon, 1964 March 14
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Centennial Commencement program, 1964 June 7
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Classical Symposium program, approximately 1960
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Class photographs, 1914, 1919, 1921
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
"The Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens, play program, 1930
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Elocution Contest program, 1906 May 15
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.
Graduation Exercises and Distribution of Prizes program, 1916 June 19
Ephemera produced by Boston College High School and its students, primarily photographs and programs.
Collection is open for research.