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Albert F. McGuinn, SJ correspondence

Identifier: BC-2002-041

Albert F. McGuinn, SJ correspondence

Identifier: BC-2002-041

Collection consists of correspondence written by Albert F. McGuinn, SJ primarily to Donald I. MacLean, SJ. Many of the letters were written when MacLean was a Jesuit scholastic. They concern matters related to chemistry and MacLean's vocation. The collection also includes a letter from McGuinn to MacLean's parents, two letters from McGuinn to Anthony J. Eiardi, SJ, a Boston College mathematics professor, and letters written following McGuinn's death concerning his relationship with Donald I. MacLean, SJ.

Restrictions on Access

Collection is open for research.

Creation: 1952 - 1966
1 Linear Feet (1 container)
Related Names
McGuinn, Albert F. (Albert Francis), 1901-1965
Language of Materials

Eiardi, Anthony J., SJ, 1952, 1955

 File — Shared box: 7469, Folder: 1
Creation: 1952, 1955

MacLean, Chester and Irene (Paquette), 1961

 File — Shared box: 7469, Folder: 2
Creation: 1961

MacLean, Donald I., SJ, 1953 - 1961

 File — Shared box: 7469, Folder: 3
Creation: 1953 - 1961

Correspondence about Albert F. McGuinn, SJ sent following his death. Second correspondent "Francis" believed to be Francis C. Mackin, SJ based on the dates and content of the letters.

Creation: 1965 - 1966