Box 3
Contains 75 Results:
An Phoblacht/Republican News. "Murdered by Brits, February 12, 1976, Proinsias Stagg...", 1976
Text continues "Proinsias Stagg's last message to the Leadership of the Irish Republican Movement was: 'We are a risen people, this time we will not be driven into the gutter, even if this should mean dying for justice. The fight must go on. I want my memorial to be Peace with Justice.'"
Collection is open for research.
Protestant Unionist Party. "Vote Protestant Unionist and stop O'Neill's betrayals: McCarroll, Paisley, Smylie", 1967
Includes additional text accusing Prime Minister Terence O'Neill of being "a puppet of the Roman Catholic Church".
Collection is open for research.
Republican Sinn Féin. "One Nation, Not Two Provinces of the 'British Isles,' Vote No", maybe 1973
Collection is open for research.
Sinn Féin. "Sinn Féin, Burke, Christy", 1981
Collection is open for research.
Sinn Féin. "Treachery - Dominic McGlinchey sacrificed to the loyalists for the SDLP's Dublin Forum", between 1960s-1990s
Collection is open for research.
Sinn Féin. "Votáil Sinn Féin - Sean McKnight - Votáil Uimhir 1", between 1960s-1990s
Collection is open for research.
Ulster Democratic Unionist Party. "On Thursday March 8th, Save the Union", between 1960s-1990s
Includes a photograph of guns captioned "Their Weapons" and an illustration of a ballot box captioned "Our Weapons." Also includes text on the verso.
Collection is open for research.
Ulster Democratic Unionist Party. "Stop Dublin Interference, 1 Paisley", between 1960s-1990s
Collection is open for research.
Ulster Dominion Group. "Lord Craigavon was right! Ulster has the Dominion Alternative, Vote Dominion" (7 copies), after 1974
Collection is open for research.
Ulster Unionist Council. "Careless talk costs lives; Stop the Summits - Vote Ulster Unionist on 15 May", between 1960s-1990s
Collection is open for research.
Ulster Volunteer Force. "Support your local unit", between 1960s-1990s
Collection is open for research.
United Ulster Unionist Council. "In the Balance: United Ireland, United Kingdom. Tip the scales, vote United Ulster Unionist", between 1974-1977
Collection is open for research.
United Ulster Unionist Council. "U.U.U.C. Information Here" (3 copies), between 1974-1977
Collection is open for research.
United Ulster Unionist Party. "Lindsay", 1970s
Collection is open for research.
United Ulster Unionist Party. "No. 1 Vote Craig, in order of your preference: Empey, McNarry, Paisley, Robinson", between 1975-1984
Collection is open for research.
United Ulster Unionist Party. "Unionist, In This Area - Vote No. 1, No. 2., Professor K. Lindsay, Samuel Larmour" (4 copies), 1975
Collection is open for research.
United Ulster Unionist Party. "Vote: 1 - Paisely, 2 & 3 - McFaul and Smyth, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Other UUUC Candidates", 1973
Collection is open for research.
Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party. "Ulster Vanguard, Province Wide Rally, Ormeau Park, Belfast", 1972
Collection is open for research.
Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party. "Vote George Green No. 1, Vanguard Unionist Area 'B'", 1970s
Collection is open for research.
Vanguard Unionist Progressive Party. "Vote Mary O'Fee No. 1, Vanguard Unionist Area 'C'", 1970s
Collection is open for research.
Workers Research Unit. "Medicine for Health, Not Wealth - Oppose the Belfast Private Hospital", 1978
Collection is open for research.
Unidentified sponsor. "Cath thaobh an bhogaigh doire", 1994
Collection is open for research.
Unidentified sponsor. "Crime! The original crime was the English conquest of Ireland", 1980s
Collection is open for research.
Unidentified sponsor. "Disband the RUC" with illustration of a RUC officer within the "no" symbol, between 1960s-1990s
Note that there is another poster from this series in the reproductions file, with "Re-route sectarian marches" and an illustration of an Orangeman within the "no" symbol.
Collection is open for research.
Unidentified sponsor. "Dump Fitt Campaign, Gerry Brit", between 1960s-1990s
Collection is open for research.