Shared box 4421
Contains 51 Results:
Gogarty, Oliver , 1934 - 1935
This correspondence documents the literary friendships of Irish journalist and author Norah Hoult through the letters she received from fellow Irish and English writers. The letters span her years living in both England and Ireland, from 1934-1954.
The collection comprises multiple letters from Irish poets Oliver Gogarty and James Stephens, plus individual notes from Austin Clarke, Brigid Brophy, Sean O'Casey, and Sean O'Faolin
Collection is open for research.
Gayoffo, Oliver , undated
This correspondence documents the literary friendships of Irish journalist and author Norah Hoult through the letters she received from fellow Irish and English writers. The letters span her years living in both England and Ireland, from 1934-1954.
The collection comprises multiple letters from Irish poets Oliver Gogarty and James Stephens, plus individual notes from Austin Clarke, Brigid Brophy, Sean O'Casey, and Sean O'Faolin
Collection is open for research.
Unsigned correspondence, undated
This correspondence documents the literary friendships of Irish journalist and author Norah Hoult through the letters she received from fellow Irish and English writers. The letters span her years living in both England and Ireland, from 1934-1954.
The collection comprises multiple letters from Irish poets Oliver Gogarty and James Stephens, plus individual notes from Austin Clarke, Brigid Brophy, Sean O'Casey, and Sean O'Faolin
Collection is open for research.
Stephens, James , 1948 - 1949
This correspondence documents the literary friendships of Irish journalist and author Norah Hoult through the letters she received from fellow Irish and English writers. The letters span her years living in both England and Ireland, from 1934-1954.
The collection comprises multiple letters from Irish poets Oliver Gogarty and James Stephens, plus individual notes from Austin Clarke, Brigid Brophy, Sean O'Casey, and Sean O'Faolin
Collection is open for research.
O'Casey, Sean , 1939 September 30
This correspondence documents the literary friendships of Irish journalist and author Norah Hoult through the letters she received from fellow Irish and English writers. The letters span her years living in both England and Ireland, from 1934-1954.
The collection comprises multiple letters from Irish poets Oliver Gogarty and James Stephens, plus individual notes from Austin Clarke, Brigid Brophy, Sean O'Casey, and Sean O'Faolin
Collection is open for research.
O'Faolin, Sean , circa 1936
This correspondence documents the literary friendships of Irish journalist and author Norah Hoult through the letters she received from fellow Irish and English writers. The letters span her years living in both England and Ireland, from 1934-1954.
The collection comprises multiple letters from Irish poets Oliver Gogarty and James Stephens, plus individual notes from Austin Clarke, Brigid Brophy, Sean O'Casey, and Sean O'Faolin
Collection is open for research.
Brophy, Brigid , 1954 January 17
This correspondence documents the literary friendships of Irish journalist and author Norah Hoult through the letters she received from fellow Irish and English writers. The letters span her years living in both England and Ireland, from 1934-1954.
The collection comprises multiple letters from Irish poets Oliver Gogarty and James Stephens, plus individual notes from Austin Clarke, Brigid Brophy, Sean O'Casey, and Sean O'Faolin
Collection is open for research.
Clarke, Austin , undated
This correspondence documents the literary friendships of Irish journalist and author Norah Hoult through the letters she received from fellow Irish and English writers. The letters span her years living in both England and Ireland, from 1934-1954.
The collection comprises multiple letters from Irish poets Oliver Gogarty and James Stephens, plus individual notes from Austin Clarke, Brigid Brophy, Sean O'Casey, and Sean O'Faolin
Collection is open for research.
From Joseph P. Kennedy to Dr. Oliver St. John Gogarty, 1943 August 24
The collection contains letters written by and to Oliver St. John Gogarty, and a typewritten manuscript of chapters 2-12 of his autobiography I Follow St. Patrick. There are some additional papers that were interfiled with the manuscript, and Gogarty's arms permit.
Collection is open for research.
From Gogarty to Mrs. Barker, 1950 April 9-1951 January 26
The collection contains letters written by and to Oliver St. John Gogarty, and a typewritten manuscript of chapters 2-12 of his autobiography I Follow St. Patrick. There are some additional papers that were interfiled with the manuscript, and Gogarty's arms permit.
Collection is open for research.
From Gogarty to unknown recipient, July 14, 19--
The collection contains letters written by and to Oliver St. John Gogarty, and a typewritten manuscript of chapters 2-12 of his autobiography I Follow St. Patrick. There are some additional papers that were interfiled with the manuscript, and Gogarty's arms permit.
Collection is open for research.
Ch. II: A Search for the Arms of King Nial of the Nine Hostages, and for the ship that bore Patrick away in the year 405, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch.III: Where Did Patrick Dwell?, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. IV: I Arrive At A Decision. Where Was Patrick Born?, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. V: I Visit Three Places Out of Six Which Are Accredited With Being St. Patrick’s Birthplace, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. VI: A Raid in Progress; All Ireland Puts to Sea, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. VII, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. VIII: The Road to Slemish, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. IX, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. X: The Escape, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. XI: Patricks’s Second Coming. He Comes of His Own Free Will, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch XII: St. Patrick Enters Ireland, Never to Leave, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Ch. XIII: And Now Let Us Praise Famous Men, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Miscellaneous Papers from the manuscript, before 1938
Collection is open for research.
Gogarty’s permit to carry arms in Ireland, 1923 March 9
The collection contains letters written by and to Oliver St. John Gogarty, and a typewritten manuscript of chapters 2-12 of his autobiography I Follow St. Patrick. There are some additional papers that were interfiled with the manuscript, and Gogarty's arms permit.
Collection is open for research.