Shared box 5606
Contains 20 Results:
Collapsible lantern, circa 1880s
Lantern with a brass top and bottom, and fabric sides that accordion-fold flat. Interior of the latern has a holder for a small taper candle.
Collection is open for research. The videocassettes are not available for playback due to format impermanence and have not been reformatted. The film reels are not available for playback due to format impermanence and cannot be reformatted by Burns Library at this time. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
Pens, between 1960s-1990s
Four rollerball ink pens, each with an inscription in gold print: "Ciste Bunscoil Ghaeilghe", "Diamond Jubilee, Easter Rising", "Thank God I am a Prod, No Surrender", and "Ulster Belongs to Us - Forever".
Collection is open for research.
Irish 10-pence coin with "UVF" stamped on it, between 1969-1993
Collection is open for research.
"Northern Ireland Jubilee, 1921-1971, In God Our Trust", 1971
Collection is open for research.
Orange Volunteers, 1973
Collection is open for research.
"Ulster Will Be Right", between 1960s-1990s
Collection is open for research.
"UVF For God and Ulster", between 1960s-1990s
Collection is open for research.
"No Surrender" pin-back button with an English flag, between 1960s-1990s
A sticker reading "Paisley" has been added to the pin.
Collection is open for research.
Hitler Youth knife, approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
German infantry belt buckles (2), approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
Roland J. Regan's emblems: 150th and 348th Combat Battalion emblem; 348th Amphibious; 348th emblem; Time in Service, approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
Roland J. Regan's dog tags (4), approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
German officer tunic pin, approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
Roland J. Regan's Good Conduct and European Theater ribbons, approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
Nazi pin, approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
348th Engineer Combat Battalion pin, approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
Schutzstaffel (SS) officer medal, approximately 1943-1945
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
People's Fuhrer pin, 1939
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
Roland J. Regan's rosary beads, 1943 January-1945 October
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.
348th Engineer Combat Battalion memorial plaques (2), 1989, undated
Collection is open for research. The Photographic Report of the Iwo Jima Operation in Box 1 is closed pending conservation review.
Audiovisual and digital content is not available for playback due to format impermanence and has not been reformatted. Please let Burns Library Public Services know of your specific interest; if possible, reformatting will be scheduled.