Shared box 6978
Contains 29 Results:
Emblems Engraved on Wood by Eric Gill, (P36-38, 40, 42-43, 46-47), 1916
Includes short works from fine print presses that contain Gill engravings: booklets, broadsides, business cards, calendars, Christmas cards, leaflets, and pamphlets. Physick numbers for the images used in these works have been listed where known, to facilitate comparison to the engravings and printing blocks in Series I.
Collection is open for research.
Newspaper clippings about NUM, 1969-1990, undated
Collection is open for research. One audio cassette has been digitally copied; all original media was retained, but may not be played due to format. Digital use copies can only be accessed in the Burns Library Reading Room.
Newspaper clippings, 1952, 1969-1996
Collection is open for research. One audio cassette has been digitally copied; all original media was retained, but may not be played due to format. Digital use copies can only be accessed in the Burns Library Reading Room.
Legal document confirming Anne Burke's receipt of William James MacNeven's interest in the Ballinahown, County Galway estate in exchange for forgiveness of MacNeven's debt to Michael Burke, 1819 August 18
Collection is open for research.
Michael Burke to William James MacNeven, 1806 August 1
Collection is open for research.
Richard Burke, A. Burke, and Anthony French to William James MacNeven, 1818 January 27
Collection is open for research.
Doug Flutie: The Heisman Winner (Middlesex News), 1984 December 2
Collection is open for research.
BC Eagles: 1985 Cotton Bowl (The Boston Herald), 1984 December 30
Collection is open for research.
Copies of Irish Independent, 1975 August 30
This series contains copies of Éamon De Valera’s obituary, printed in the Irish Independent and the Irish Times.
Collection is open for research.
Copies of Irish Times, 1975 August 30
This series contains copies of Éamon De Valera’s obituary, printed in the Irish Independent and the Irish Times.
Collection is open for research.
Crucifixion, pencil, undated
Drawings are preparatory works for Gill's engraving and sculpting. Of note are his series of plans for the Stations of the Cross carvings for St. Albans Church, Oxford, some of which were incomplete at the time of Gill's death and were subsequently finished by another artist.
Collection is open for research.
"Dearest, just a morning greeting..." lettering practice for the psalms, between 1904 and 1913
This series consists of Gill’s original artwork, including engravings and proofs, sketches, rubbings of carvings, woodcut printing blocks, and letterwork. Subjects include biblical, mythical, literary, and pastoral scenes, as well as portraits and still lives.
Collection is open for research.
Gill Sans and Perpetua font set, proof, 1920s or 1930s
This series consists of Gill’s original artwork, including engravings and proofs, sketches, rubbings of carvings, woodcut printing blocks, and letterwork. Subjects include biblical, mythical, literary, and pastoral scenes, as well as portraits and still lives.
Collection is open for research.
Golden Cockerel font sample pages, circa 1929
This series consists of Gill’s original artwork, including engravings and proofs, sketches, rubbings of carvings, woodcut printing blocks, and letterwork. Subjects include biblical, mythical, literary, and pastoral scenes, as well as portraits and still lives.
Collection is open for research.
The Boston Herald: Celebrity, 1984 September 2
Collection is open for research.
The Boston Globe Magazine: BC Goes Big Time, 1984 November 25
Collection is open for research.
The Sporting News, 1984 November 12
Collection is open for research.
James M. Harney, SJ, Martin P. Harney, SJ, and Martin B. Harney, approximately 1910s
The negatives in Shared box 1715 are not an access format and are closed. The photographs in Box 26 are closed pending conservation review.
Portraits, unknown, 1889, approximately 1900s-1920s
The negatives in Shared box 1715 are not an access format and are closed. The photographs in Box 26 are closed pending conservation review.
Weddings, approximately 1920s-1972
The negatives in Shared box 1715 are not an access format and are closed. The photographs in Box 26 are closed pending conservation review.
Bachelor of arts degree, 1922 June 21
Collection is open for research.
Negatives in Shared box 1715 are not an access medium and are not available for use. The photographs in Box 26 are closed pending conservation review.
Audio recordings have been digitally copied; all original media were retained, but may not be played due to format. Digital use copies can only be accessed in the Burns Library Reading Room.
Master of arts degree, 1923 June 20
Collection is open for research.
Negatives in Shared box 1715 are not an access medium and are not available for use. The photographs in Box 26 are closed pending conservation review.
Audio recordings have been digitally copied; all original media were retained, but may not be played due to format. Digital use copies can only be accessed in the Burns Library Reading Room.
Journal of the Senate, Resolutions, 1974 February 28
Collection is open for research.
Negatives in Shared box 1715 are not an access medium and are not available for use. The photographs in Box 26 are closed pending conservation review.
Audio recordings have been digitally copied; all original media were retained, but may not be played due to format. Digital use copies can only be accessed in the Burns Library Reading Room.
Homemade get well card for Martin P. Harney, SJ, approximately 1976
Predominantly personal correspondence, including both incoming and outgoing letters.
Collection is open for research.
Negatives in Shared box 1715 are not an access medium and are not available for use. The photographs in Box 26 are closed pending conservation review.
Audio recordings have been digitally copied; all original media were retained, but may not be played due to format. Digital use copies can only be accessed in the Burns Library Reading Room.
Brattle Tavern history, 1962, undated
Primarily consists of typescripts and drafts of the numerous works written by Martin P. Harney SJ, as well as related research, notes and outlines, correspondence, and publishing and release materials. Harney titled almost all of his handwritten notes and grouped them by subject.
Collection is open for research.
Negatives in Shared box 1715 are not an access medium and are not available for use. The photographs in Box 26 are closed pending conservation review.
Audio recordings have been digitally copied; all original media were retained, but may not be played due to format. Digital use copies can only be accessed in the Burns Library Reading Room.